About Us
We are a Lutheran church, associated with the Lutheran Congregations In Mission to Christ. Our first worship service was May 2, 2010. It is an exciting time for us as we gather and praise God in lesson and song.
We formed Faith Lutheran Church because we were in need of new hope, rooted in Scripture and the love of Jesus Christ our Savior.
Faith Lutheran is a church of people; not a building, place, or institution. Simply said, Faith Lutheran is only a church because of the people--the people are the Church. Indeed then, Faith Lutheran is a Christian Church, but a unique one at that. Faith Lutheran focuses on people and relationships. We value smaller groups over larger more corporate gatherings. Small groups are the means by which we begin to relate to others and relate to God. Faith Lutheran has not set out to be--nor envisions itself to be--a large corporate church.
Are you looking for something in your life, something you can’t quite put you finger on? Maybe we have an answer. Won’t you come and join us?